7th by Alyssa Brosha
classmates and I are now wrapping up our second week in Kenya with a stay at
Lake Nakuru Lodge. Here I feel like a tourist, which is a first since we've
arrived, and it's not quite the same feeling I've had while being a tourist in
other countries. All too frequently we tend to tour exotic locations as though
it is a spectator sport, visiting only the famous parks, cities and tourist
trap landmarks...
I see Kenya through the eyes of the people, the farmers, the backbone of this
beautiful country. Having spent every day of the last 2 weeks traveling the
dirt roads from farm to farm and eating in the homes of the happy and hard
working Kenyans, to now sit poolside at a resort is a sharp contrast and
frankly quite unnerving.
from Canada it's hard to get the perspective of how fortunate we truly are to
have grown up in a developed and financially thriving nation. We take for
granted the endless opportunities handed to us and still complain of the little
up I have always heard of the challenges faced in developing countries and
learn of the foreign aid that large organizations and countries help provide
for them. A common North American mentality about African poverty is that one
individual's efforts would only be a drop in the bucket in improving such
poverty. So why bother? Leave it to the large volunteer group efforts and let
them worry about it.
there is the question of the poverty trap, a spiralling mechanism that forces
people to remain poor. If poverty is a trap, then some believe that a one time
infusion of aid could make a huge difference for a person's life and set them
on a whole new trajectory in life. This is philosophical matter with of course
many factors that must be considered, but what about the quote we have heard
endless times, "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man
to fish and he will always have a meal." What if education was the
infusion of aid necessary to break the spiral?
man here opened my eyes to the reality of the situation and his name is Isaac
Kaiyongi. Isaac is a dairy farmer near Meru, Kenya with 3 milking cows and he
had attended a seminar we conducted this past week near his home. At these
seminars we have attendance ranging from 30-100 farmers, men and women who come
to ask questions about their cattle and learn from us on nutrition, breeding
and milk production. Isaac attended a seminar the year prior and was back this
year thirsty for more knowledge. He shared his success story with me and it is one
that will stick with me forever.
One year ago, Isaac was
getting 17kg of milk per day from his three cows combined and was grazing them
over the dry countryside to find forage. At the seminar last year he learned
the importance of proper nutrition and the benefits of zero-grazing housing for
the cattle. Isaac started feeding his 3 cows an adequate amount of dairy meal,
he grew Napier grass and sweet potato vines on his farm to feed higher quality
forages, and built them a zero grazing unit. Within this year his 3 cows went
from producing a cumulative 17kg of milk to a dramatic 17-20kg of milk each.
Isaacs case, prosperity was achieved from the combined efforts of Farmers
Helping Farmers, John VanLeeuwen, and the 2014 veterinary students. His success
extended well beyond the increase in milk production, within the past year
Isaac has now been able to afford to pay for his three children to go to
private secondary schools and university! All it took for him was a short
seminar and advice on growing forages on his own farm.
my three weeks here in Kenya my classmates and I will have assisted with eight
seminars for hundreds of farmers just like Isaac. I am confident that the
veterinary students of 2016 will hear more success stories from farmers that
attended one of our seminars this year. The work we have done here made a
tremendous difference for the farmers, cows and families and this is only three
weeks of work out of many years that Farmers Helping Farmers been
It appears that with education that we can
break this poverty trap. But theory is one thing and reality is another. If one person like
Isaac can make that much change in their own lives, then just imagine what
could happen to an impoverished nation if many more farmers received that key
bit of knowledge that was missing. The farmers here in Kenya have the skills
and they have the willpower, they just need the information. Whether the
poverty trap truly exists or not, there is no denying that education is
fundamental for any nation. In Isaac's case, education was the one-time
infusion of aid that provided means for his family's prosperity and a new
spiral of investing in education for other generations to come.